A friend of a friend


“A friend of a friend” – Under the Sign of the Moon by Tessa Hadley

6 thoughts on “A friend of a friend

  1. Great photograph.

    It conjures up different associations and feelings….almost like I am looking at part of mysterious puzzle waiting to be deciphered.

    And I can’t help thinking of Alice – in Alice in Wonderland – when she goes down the rabbit hole into a strange and bewildering magic kingdom where strange objects and beings must be….deciphered.

    But like Lewis Carroll said – “Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle.”

    1. Aaah – Alice in Wonderland is a good idea. I often don’t know what I am thinking or feeling when I pair quotes and photos. It’s more like “Okay, this is the sentince for this photo!”. Done.

      Thank you! :-)

    1. Thank you – but please: tell me more! I suffer from a creative block right now. Sigh.

      BTW this is just around the corner – a milestone (no, of course it’s a kilometer stone) at the bank of the Main river.

      1. I believe that we went through this last year at about this time. We just returned from San Francisco last week. I got some nice shots out there. Soon to be on my blog. Since then?……………nada, zilch,rien. I haven’t seen anything I want to photograph, it all looks bland, dull and boring. I know that it will pass but the feeling that I have lost “it” still scares me. I work in my garden and hope inspiration can find me out there. Keep plugging and it will come back.

        If these last posts are the pictures that you take while in the doldrums then you have nothing to worry about:-)

        1. Hm, we did?
          There is a German word “Erwartungshaltung”. Something like “what you expect”… the state of mind when you expect something positive to happen because of certain circumstance, i.e. spring. So my theory is: all during the long cold dark winter (okay I can only speak for myself – not for happy Floridaeians – nice word I just invented, yes?) one hopes for better weather, better light. Some light at all. Than spring arrives. The light is wonderful, different, everything is gorgeous, everything thrives, blossoms, blooms. So creativity should do, too.
          But … nothing has really changed, it’s the same you, the same camera, the same surroundings you have seen for decades every spring. Should I really take a photo of the next 1450th cherry blossom? Perhaps I should buy that totally overpriced new camera?
          That’s my theory so far.
          And .. thank you. You said exactly what I needed to hear. I’ll go back in my tiny little garden and look at the forget-me-nots. Perhaps I’ll take a photo …

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