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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
What about it?
You remember I told you about the nuclear reactor here?
I feel like someone is about to pull a prank on me.
Are you two going to be okay while I’m gone?
Are we hanging out with polar bears?
You can do whatever you want with it.
I thought you liked reading books.
So you’re looking for something else now?
So you think we can improve?
Gone Fishin’
Unambitious and sociable, he had chosen to live in town and practice the law.
He stood looking out over the lake, his long face serene.
They were not supposed to talk, so they talked.
He understood that there had been a Revolution.
The work filled his time but not his mind.
The years there were marked by drought or great rain, vintage, weather, harvest, rather than by the events of history.
Summers were long and hot, and thunderstorms roamed growling among the mountains.
It was a dramatic but not a harsh climate.
The magic of names still held minds enchanted.
He stayed out alone, and did not know what to do.
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