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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Je sais quelque chose.
J’ai déjà l’habitude qu’on me regarde.
Gone Fishin’
Talk about wasting your time!
Gone Fishin’
We’d moved up a notch in the world.
I was flattered, and startled.
He was outside, out in the cold, insignificant. He could not do anything.
The guest, a travelling priest, was talking about his travels.
I recognize a familiar scene.
I’d be interested in that, but nothing else.
I had learned a craft and had worked hard learning it.
All the characters in my dreams have quiet voices.
It is no good anticipating regrets.
He talks. He is never significantly silent.
Mais il était léger, d’une légèreté sans remède.
Il est bien jeune.
Nous devons fêter ça.
Nous avions le soleil et la mer, le rire et l’amour.
Au fond de la mer, au fond du temps, au fond du plaisir…
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