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the scrappress
I was flattered, and startled.
He was outside, out in the cold, insignificant. He could not do anything.
The guest, a travelling priest, was talking about his travels.
I recognize a familiar scene.
I’d be interested in that, but nothing else.
I had learned a craft and had worked hard learning it.
All the characters in my dreams have quiet voices.
It is no good anticipating regrets.
He talks. He is never significantly silent.
Mais il était léger, d’une légèreté sans remède.
Il est bien jeune.
Nous devons fêter ça.
Nous avions le soleil et la mer, le rire et l’amour.
Au fond de la mer, au fond du temps, au fond du plaisir…
Mais où vas-tu ?
Toi ? Comment es-tu ici ?
Il est très vaniteux ou très peu sûr de lui, comme vous voulez.
Des instants épanouis, sans cohérence.
Elle me lança un coup d’œil amusé et insolent.
Vous devez prendre trois kilos pour être présentable.
Pourquoi es-tu si efflanquée, ma douce ?
Elle était aimable et lointaine.
Je n’y aurais jamais pensé.
Car, que cherchions-nous, sinon plaire ?
Gone Fishin’
Gone Fishin’
We’ll all go exploring.
He’d done a good job.
Get a drink? Burn in hell?
I haven’t seen you for a couple of weeks.
She could visualize disaster, see it, feel it.
Too much imagination, that was all.
He’s air-borne, light as air.
Gone Fishin’
Why I suppose it’s a kind of admonishment.
Why did he write it?
What does it mean?
Don’t try to figure it out.
Gone Fishin’
There was a sparkle in her eyes.
The air was crisp, cool, clear.
It was so late that there were no other cars on the highway.
It looked very small and faint and faraway in the dark sky.
But because all of them were looking up, he did too.
Other things that weren’t what they seemed to be.
He was about to ask her what her name was.
She was accustomed to darkness.
Right now she couldn’t even think straight, couldn’t even see straight.
She could still hear that floating, drifting tune.
She knew she would never be safe here again.
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