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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
We had nothing but time.
We drove back to the house in silence.
It’s not about anything.
Do others have to lose so we can win?
It was the first day of my humilation.
My mind has been working absolutely clearly.
Life’s nothing but words, words, words.
We don’t really know anything at all about each other for certain.
You’ve got habits which you have had for a dozen years.
The dreamy sense of well-being left him.
Good heavens! Do you think I did it?
He had the feeling that all was not well.
The whole thing worked out logically.
No alien figures infested the landscape.
Everywhere was peace.
But she lives by it.
This is of course a metaphor.
She is tall and handsome and sly and courageous.
At fourteen he was brave but reckless.
Aren’t we all friends here?
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