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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
It had never stabilized
Weeks passed like time under water
You know he’s going to be waiting when we come out
The air was chilled, and stank like rotten roots and sewage
You didn’t want to get in his way
You can’t hurt me
Things began to happen
It didn’t seem to matter
He didn’t try to merge
Are you going to let him just do that to you?
There’s nothing else you can do
The boys called him a coward
This might have been cool
It was a tiny, deeply threatening invasion
Most of the time he felt as if he were drowning
But you don’t know how to surf
He was having a hard time keeping her on his mind
The roar and rush of it never stopped
At first the place wasn’t so bad
The syrup came in small plastic containers
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