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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Shall we terminate our conference for the night?
That’s why we’re here. That’s what we do.
There’s nothing left to us, now, but one another.
Some step was missing.
We do not talk very much.
It is only that I have the power to make truths of my beliefs.
There was no sound and no wind.
La fraîcheur de l’eau salée ensuite.
Le bonheur m’a toujours semblé une ratification, une réussite.
Cette indifférence était la seule chose qu’on pût lui reprocher.
You’d be surprised at the things you find.
Stay-up-all-night time and lie in bed half the next day.
No-work-in-the-morning time.
I suppose it’s all in the way you look at a thing.
Who wants to sit down when you can dance?
They could sit in silence.
I thought you might stay a moment.
You don’t want them to think you’re on drugs.
Watch that tendency, he tells himself.
Nothing to see here, folks, move along.
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