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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
I guess you can go whenever you want.
What were you planning to do this morning?
They think they know, but they don’t.
I sit there for a long long time.
There is an indefinable feeling, now, that the game is over.
Then I sit on a rock and try to think.
Why didn’t you say anything?
I didn’t have to worry.
It takes a long time.
There was no logic to it, though.
We talked for a long time.
I’ve always found this kind of thing hilarious.
You have no idea where you are.
I know where I am.
I want to show you where you are.
Most of the time, we were going off in the wrong direction.
He was already talking about moving on.
I hear that hollow silence of abandonment.
We walk the hills above the village all afternoon.
Lots of things have changed.
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