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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
The carriage dashed through streets and swept round corners.
The door is locked then, my friend?
Je n’ai jamais rien fait qu’attendre devant la porte fermée.
C’est ma volonté.
The place still empty?
No one ever learned why.
We do not talk very much.
Each hut had a single door, a low door that could only be entered by crouching, and there were no windows.
C’est une idée de génie.
What’s happened to you?
It was like a dance, a crazy kind of dance.
You’re drunk now.
But you came back here, anyway?
Streets like the one she lived on were no accident.
He listened to the sound of her key turning in the lock.
She examined this train of thought with care.
She started choosing her words carefully.
What about hard work and loyalty, not to mention coolness and courage and charm?
Because thoughts were real.
I have to do this part by myself.
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