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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
I swear I’m telling the truth.
But I’ve told you everything I know.
I’m feeling really strange.
There was no shelter to be found.
What about hard work and loyalty, not to mention coolness and courage and charm?
No more big ideas, please.
More people having more and more thoughts.
Because thoughts were real.
Perhaps that was why the universe was expanding.
The collision of ideas and images.
That’s all a sunset was: an exultation of dirt and dust.
Some of the clouds were beginning to be stained by the sinking sun.
Please don’t let me go mad.
He lowered his head again and pressed on.
Remember who you are.
An empty threat is always a sign of weakness.
Are you threatening me?
You think she’s a good person?
Do you think I don’t know about that?
What keeps them awake at night?
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