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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Exactly what I was planning to do
The pleasure his presence in her life gives her has yet to wane
You think you’re so pretty, don’t you?
You are my face; I am you
Just let me feel your fingers again on the back of my neck
So I’m sick of talking about myself, sir
We could go out in the garden; we could find a local pub
He felt like a good influence
She would devote her life to these creatures
Try to think as little about yourself as possible
It was hiding under a fallen branch like a scared animal
Is that how a king should be raised?
There were a few clumps of devil’s pokers
Two frosted margaritas appear
I’ve not asked about your day
My life is so boring
There are abstractionists
And there are tinkerers
But I never stopped wondering
Now we’re going to get in trouble
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