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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
I never really go anywhere.
I never know where you’ve gone.
I thought we were making progress.
What choice do I have?
You’re not leaving now, are you?
I really did think you were gone this time.
You thought I had left.
He stood there a minute longer.
I’m always sad to wake up.
Everywhere you look, there is a sign of life.
Here is how life is best lived.
What’s the other half of things?
It wasn’t meant to be a joke.
I finally knew what was mine.
Sometimes it just feels like time fleeing.
This has been a long time coming.
After that, he came untethered and wandered south.
He went around the block for the dozenth time.
She was no longer beside him
I need some help
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