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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
And you don’t even have to remember how it feels, if you remember how it looks
Loneliness is a mask
No different than anyone else, we were young. Once.
Something there is that doesn’t love a happy ending
Let me just slow this down a little bit here
It was always your light that I saw at the window
I see you leaving for the blue end of the sky
We live in a city of (rough) approximations
All poems cause side effects
Not that I know what I am supposed to feel
Are you okay?
I like to think of myself as droll but in an edgy sort of way
‘So,’ she says, ‘have you given any thought to my proposition?’
It is a town perceived as an aging beauty, wearing a fabulous fur coat that smells ridiculously of spilt martinis and tater tots