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the scrappress
Très vite dans ma vie il a été trop tard.
I don’t know. It would. But we don’t know what’s possible.
You’re crazy, what did you do that for?
It seemed somehow to complicate things.
That was not humility.
You take yourself with yourself.
Why don’t they get up and go somewhere?
Why did they make so much fuss?
He won’t stop talking.
It isn’t like anything else.
He had not thought that he had any answers.
What did you do it for?
His face were as indifferent as stone.
His silence was grand and oppressive.
Your mind and your heart reject it.
So it didn’t matter, I thought. It was silly to think about.
There was nothing extraordinary in this.
The voice had a few other things to say.
All the characters in my dreams have quiet voices.
The time of man is too brief a period to deserve more than incidental recording.
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