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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Her silence had puzzled him.
Such happiness as this could not last.
Then the time ran out.
What are we doing?
We enjoy one another’s company.
Well, there you go.
There was no one out on the street.
So are we good?
Things falling apart over time.
He didn’t know what he was searching for.
That is one way to think of it.
It was so beautiful, it wanted to speak to her.
Important men had to be selfish in order to get ahead.
We’re all friends here.
We all make certain compromises, of course.
I should be more wary, have less faith in people.
Nothing had changed.
I try to move toward it.
Maybe a few weeds growing in cracks here and there.
One at a time is enough.
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