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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Ces foules sont toujours énormes.
That was all he asked, all he wanted.
Get a drink? Burn in hell?
Last chance to do what?
The Last Chance. The Last Chance.
There was nothing. There was no sound at all.
The river was redgold along the edges.
Because once again he felt as though he could conquer the world.
Her thoughts kept twisting and turning.
Does one simply see what one is fit to see?
Gone Fishin’
The past was always in front of him like a river he couldn’t cross.
Gone Fishin’ Part Two
Gone Fishin’
Unpathed waters. Undreamed shores.
They talked about life as flow. About nothingness. About illusion.
The story has to start somewhere.
Then there’s the river. Wide as the future used to be.
Would they be cursing, pleading, bemoaning their fate?
Is he a bad influence? They infer that he is.
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