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the scrappress
It was a heavy mass of building.
Of the city he knew nothing.
He was much too tired to travel on the road.
There was a silence between them.
Sun must be down, it’s getting cold.
There’s a place I used to go to.
Do you want to walk? It’s lovely out today.
What had she to say, anyhow?
Not too much light in the place.
Have I been to this place before?
Life can’t unhappen.
Gone Fishin’ Part Two
He’s no longer used to urban crowds.
This is my only chance to collect a past, and I’m going to do it.
The world keeps turning and it has carried them with it.
The movement of bodies is as stately as a waltz.
It might be all right by you.
I look over my shoulder.
The World laughed and sang around him, invisible and glorious.
I have no idea who he was.
Are you still dancing?
We were on our own.
I was compelled by the process.
To my own surprise I was in no hurry to leave.
It was beautiful!
But all things must have an end, alas!
It had taken years before their affair was truly over.
Once he had a car, it would be no great challenge to sleep with a girl or a woman.
It’s unlikely that you’ve ever visited.
They weren’t aware of what was happening.
There is only one road out of here.
It’s nothing interesting.
They smiled at each other.
So, do you want to go get a drink?
Gone fishin’
There was nobody to be seen.
After that, everything became better.
The air smells like diesel.
And what did he find?
It was more like a silence.
You’re not in the mood for conversation.
Nobody’s perfect.
Let there be no confusion.
Crazy they call me.
He doubted he would come back.
You don’t have to be involved.
I just went for a walk. To clear my head.
Or perhaps it was something more.
Mostly, we drank and talked and walked on the heath.
It makes her dizzy
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