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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Of the city he knew nothing.
He was much too tired to travel on the road.
There was a silence between them.
Sun must be down, it’s getting cold.
There’s a place I used to go to.
Do you want to walk? It’s lovely out today.
What had she to say, anyhow?
Not too much light in the place.
Have I been to this place before?
Life can’t unhappen.
Gone Fishin’ Part Two
He’s no longer used to urban crowds.
This is my only chance to collect a past, and I’m going to do it.
The world keeps turning and it has carried them with it.
The movement of bodies is as stately as a waltz.
It might be all right by you.
I look over my shoulder.
The World laughed and sang around him, invisible and glorious.
I have no idea who he was.
Are you still dancing?
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