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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Would you like to spend some time alone?
“What a time to be alive,” he said.
We don’t know what may happen.
Here they come, fast, fierce, and furious!
A place you get lost in.
The wind had fallen. There was no sound at all.
Only by walking down a path could one achieve one’s absence?
She had learned to let the world come round to her.
It is only that I have the power to make truths of my beliefs.
Let there be music.
It makes you feel bigger than you are.
There was no sound and no wind.
There is silence after a rainstorm, and before a rainstorm, and these are not the same.
L’attendrissement est un sentiment agréable.
Je décidai de passer la matinée ainsi, sans bouger.
Nous avions le soleil et la mer, le rire et l’amour.
Au fond de la mer, au fond du temps, au fond du plaisir…
Malléable et entêtée.
À ce moment-là, le décor, le temps disparurent.
Un sentiment de supériorité, d’orgueil, m’envahissait.
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