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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Je ne mets pas de nom à ces souvenirs.
Je me refusai énergiquement à participer à l’expédition.
Gone Fishin’
It didn’t make sense.
Gone Fishin’
I thought I was talking to myself.
I would conquer the world.
I made up my mind then that someday I would conquer the world – don’t ask me what world.
I knew that was you before I looked.
He had moved closer to her.
I don’t know what to do, she thought.
People stopped and stared and wondered at the sight.
Nobody had ever known what he meant by it.
Don’t let it go. Keep it there. All right so far.
Hold everything still inside of you.
There were a few stars still in the sky.
Making you jump, startled, because it didn’t belong there.
Right now she couldn’t even think straight, couldn’t even see straight.
She could still hear that floating, drifting tune.
There was the ebb and flow of talk and laughter.
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