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the scrappress
So many stories of lost and found.
But you can’t reverse time, can you?
I don’t worry about any of that.
Don’t you trouble your head about it.
You don’t find anything wrong with that?
Isn’t it nice of you to say so?
Leave the door open when you go, please.
I’m not sure I’m entirely convinced.
I want to show you something.
You sure you got permission for all this?
In retrospect, he may on occasion have taken things too far.
It all looks good on paper to the powers that be.
What clever thing have you done?
Happily, it has a liquor licence.
At least he kept out of the liquor store, and the bars.
He smiles: the illusion of a smile. Pretense, fakery, but who’s to know?
Why does everything feel off?
“Don’t like that,” he muttered. He would have to do something about it.
I am an axe. Hit things with me.
The passage of time is funny; it can run so fast or so slow.
The whole thing is too ridiculous.
The realisation hits her like a splash of cold water.
So you’re saying we’ve got the ground all covered?
You’re still making no sense.
The impossible is impossible until the very moment it is not.
At about this time of night, the village ducks go insane.
Maybe later we’ll do something different.
We are doing something.
I think I like it better that way.
Sometimes you can reach him and sometimes you can’t.
The world must move on.
The whole house is haunted. It will not let her go.
It is an era of change, that much is clear.
What manner of oddness is this?
It moves at speed, with a rattle and rumble.
No point starting a job if you’re going to leave it half-done.
What a sight it once was and just look at it now.
Why didn’t you say anything?
We talked for a long time.
I look over my shoulder.
Some people have an odd sense of humour.
He doesn’t know what to say, really.
I have problems of my own.
There was just no way to say no.
Why do you carry on?
What are you waiting for?
I’ve got all the time in the world.
Whether this is relevant or not, nobody knows.
I’m not going to hurt you.
Who the hell are you?
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