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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
He was outside, out in the cold, insignificant. He could not do anything.
He listened for the women’s voices in the room overhead.
It has all happened a hundred times in my mind.
The voice had a few other things to say.
It is no good anticipating regrets.
No one ever learned why.
So don’t ask questions.
You can imagine the rest.
And then it’s over. Then it’s silent, as if somebody closed the door on Babel.
The Present is a sluggish traveller loafing in the path Tomorrow wants to take.
Who doesn’t look upward when searching for a name?
Will it breathe when it is meant to breathe?
She did not move, and he did not.
The world had changed without any reason that I could see.
Ahead of me lies a land that is unknown to the rest of the world.
Les mots sont faciles, liants.
Ne me jetez pas ainsi ma jeunesse à la tête.
C’est le privilège de la jeunesse.
Nous devons fêter ça.
Vous êtes incroyable.
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