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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
One of the good things about never going anywhere is that nothing ever happens
Nothing wrong in that, is there?
I’ve a good mind to have you bloody prosecuted. I could do you in court
Don’t be cross. Promise you won’t be cross?
I used to think that love would sort me out
Instead she pretends she is a child again and the world is black and white
He sometimes goes off without telling anyone
I’m not used to being turned down. Not used to that at all
I wish I had a house that was all mine
The pleasure his presence in her life gives her has yet to wane
See the world. Change it.
He briefly closes his eyes and imagines smashing his fist into the nearest wall
She resembles one of those dolls that never blink
She closed her eyes, then looked again
Her knees were grubby and she looked even thinner than usual
No steam rose from the surface of the water
It had been a difficult and unsettling night
We were inferior, therefore our history didn’t matter
It was the rattling that woke her
The band of children following them grew louder
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