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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
I longed to get out of there.
I said I was fine.
To my own surprise I was in no hurry to leave.
It was beautiful!
That wasn’t what I’d wanted to know.
I believe I have misinterpreted the situation.
One kind of weakness feeding on another.
Anyway it was the only entertainment on offer.
We felt we had our place in time.
I didn’t know, and didn’t want to know.
People like us, we can’t be nostalgic.
You’ll have a lot to talk about.
Some facts were immutable, unavoidable.
A connection with no precise beginning or end.
We used to think they were so idiotic.
This was a place in which I was happy.
We were the weak and they were the strong.
This did not go unnoticed.
Perhaps this kind of thing would have happened anyway.
I never wanted that film to end.
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