I was a little bit annoyed by myself — photographing the same trees, the same fields day in day out during winter. So I started to play with seeing everything in a more abstract way – patterns of dark and light. Forms.
But hey – the dark days are over – sun is shining about 11 hours per day right now! And the light is so smooth since it’s always a little bit hazy.
So let’s build a road. Where traffic is, there is life, and where life is, there will be drama.
A little bit to the right there is the AUTOBAHN … fortunately there is no noise on my blog.
The scale is quite mysterious here, a nice touch.
I was a little bit annoyed by myself — photographing the same trees, the same fields day in day out during winter. So I started to play with seeing everything in a more abstract way – patterns of dark and light. Forms.
But hey – the dark days are over – sun is shining about 11 hours per day right now! And the light is so smooth since it’s always a little bit hazy.
And sorry, I forgot. It’s a really huge field (German proportions, though). Winter wheat.
“I want to sleep beneath peaceful skies in my lovers bed with a wide open country in my eyes and these romantic dreams in my head” (Bruce Springsteen)
Manchmal geht es bergauf & manchmal bergab. Und das macht immer den Unterschied!
Viele Grüße & weiterhin sichere Straßen, Fritsch.
Aber manchmal geht es auch nur gerade aus und man ersehnt den nächsten Abzweig.
“And the world is busting at its seams
And you’re just a prisoner of your dreams “