It’s just a habit, I think


“It’s just a habit, I think” – The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg

8 thoughts on “It’s just a habit, I think

  1. This must have been an old car show as these two NSU Prinz are from the 1950s and 60s. The back car is a 1961 or later NSU Prinz 4 with 30 whole horsepower. Had a friend who traded his Renault Dauphine for an NSU Prinz 4 and improved his ride. It was turtle slow, but it did get 48 miles per gallon of gasoline and was just faster than walking.

    1. Wow!
      And yes of course you are absolutely right about the NSU Prinz 4.
      Was the first car my father ever had and it’s a story often told in the family how he drove my mother in the NSU Prinz 4 over icy roads in a cold November night to the hospital … because I was so serious about having a look at this world ;-)

      It was a gathering of NSU Prinz cars and BMW Isettas – you know how people like to conquer the mountain passes in these oldtimers ;-). I’ll show some more photos on the scrap press if I ever catch up with anything in the next days ;-)

  2. Funny….I never noticed the cars. All I can do is stare at the contorted physiology of the man in the middle who has transformed himself into a human crab, in order to better study the architecture of….the NSU’s front bumper.

    As a minor historical aside, though, NSU – Neckarsulm Strickmaschinen Union – was in the town of Neckarsulm which originally was named for the intersection or confluence of two rivers, the Neckar and the Sulm. I have the feeling that the man-in-the-middle – who is so ‘into’ whatever he’s gotten down to look at – would be hard to dislodge from his position, even in the unlikely event that both rivers rose and flooded the town and swept away all the inhabitants and their NSU’s.

    Nice title (for the picture) too. ‘It’s only a habit’….but some habits are hard to break.

    1. I have to admit I was a little bit … ah, you know .. men … crouching beneath cars as if there is something they can fix. Or find.
      Okay, I was a little bit .. cheeky.

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