At all events, they are quite different substances 9. January 2013 “At all events, they are quite different substances” – Troublesome Words by Bill Bryson
Casi … ;-) Este jugo de uva (líquido oscuroI) y vino joven (líquido blanco).- sustancias diferentes. Abrazos Reply
Subconsciousness is a strange thing. Without your comment I would have never realised why I chose this photo. Reply
Yes, I guess it’s a human urge to link things, to find mutuality, to find a common thread. Might it be consciously or subconcsiouly. One only shouldn’t try too hard, ;-) Reply
Detalle y definición, casi un autorretrato!!
Casi … ;-)
Este jugo de uva (líquido oscuroI) y vino joven (líquido blanco).- sustancias diferentes.
But, but…the bottlenecks from the last post…I’m confused. ;-)
Subconsciousness is a strange thing. Without your comment I would have never realised why I chose this photo.
Maybe sequences are important to us even when not consciously thinking of them.
Yes, I guess it’s a human urge to link things, to find mutuality, to find a common thread. Might it be consciously or subconcsiouly.
One only shouldn’t try too hard, ;-)