Interesting that someone who is living with all the space around her one could wish for likes a photo of a cramped neighbourhood ;-).
I did some research:
Australia population density 2.8/km2
France population density 116/km2 (where the photo was taken)
Germany population density 229/km2
Ouch, I didn’t know that. No wonder my neighbours get on my nerves :-)
Hoffentlich kennen sich die Nachbar auch und sprechen miteinander. Beeindruckend das Fehlen der Zwischenräume.
Eines weiß ich sicher: Deutsche könnten da nicht gut wohnen ;-)
My favourite for this week. Enjoy your fishing.
Interesting that someone who is living with all the space around her one could wish for likes a photo of a cramped neighbourhood ;-).
I did some research:
Australia population density 2.8/km2
France population density 116/km2 (where the photo was taken)
Germany population density 229/km2
Ouch, I didn’t know that. No wonder my neighbours get on my nerves :-)
Thank you, I did enjoy the last week.