That dog is looking at you with great interest, and I believe I detect a wish for you to play with him. Too bad he is locked up, but it’s likely safer for everyone.
The Jack Russell is a small breed of terrier. They are VERY active and outgoing. Nothing but energy. One of our cartoonists drew a comic titled “what nervous little dogs do before you get up” . It showed a small terrier making an espresso. The cartoonist is Gary Larson, who drew The Far Side.
Thanks for the info – yes, I know some Jack Russels personally, ;-) – and of course I know Gary Larson (funnily, a co-worker did a photo series about campus buildings that he called “The Far Side” ;-)) – but I didn’t know what nervous little dogs do before I get up ;-) – until now.
A small dog who thinks he is a giant in guarding his territory, and would love some attention.
Yes, these surroundings are not really dog-friendly. Paving stones everywhere you turn. I guess even the odd photographer is a nice distraction.
That dog is looking at you with great interest, and I believe I detect a wish for you to play with him. Too bad he is locked up, but it’s likely safer for everyone.
Of course you are right about my wish!
Ha! It’s a Jack Russell, it wants you to buy it an espresso.
Jack Russel – Espresso? Sounds like something I should understand but I don’t … :-(
The Jack Russell is a small breed of terrier. They are VERY active and outgoing. Nothing but energy. One of our cartoonists drew a comic titled “what nervous little dogs do before you get up” . It showed a small terrier making an espresso. The cartoonist is Gary Larson, who drew The Far Side.
Thanks for the info – yes, I know some Jack Russels personally, ;-) – and of course I know Gary Larson (funnily, a co-worker did a photo series about campus buildings that he called “The Far Side” ;-)) – but I didn’t know what nervous little dogs do before I get up ;-) – until now.