The quote is perfect for this image, considering the type of boat that is shown and above that, the name on the boat! I got a chuckle out of this today. Great work, Martina!
Thank you very much!
I just read the press release about the ship christening (4/10/2012 – its birthday is in four days) but they gave no reason for the name. All the other ships in the fleet are named after cities, places, people.
And we are both showing photos of visits with/at relatives ;-) – only my visiting my in-laws was a short one: one afternoon, fifteen minutes by car away.
@ all:
Yes, this was fun. I wasn’t sure at first if there would be a word play involved, since I only knew the German word “Barge” and I wondered …
Greman “Barge” is the same as English “barge”.
However there is no German verb “to barge” … so .. in the end I was a little bit proud of having “the feeling” for word plays etc. in a foreign language, I must admit.
Thank you all for your comments!
Really convincing!
Yes, never mess with a Bavarian barge!
The quote is perfect for this image, considering the type of boat that is shown and above that, the name on the boat! I got a chuckle out of this today. Great work, Martina!
Thank you very much!
I just read the press release about the ship christening (4/10/2012 – its birthday is in four days) but they gave no reason for the name. All the other ships in the fleet are named after cities, places, people.
Barge, ferry–a cross-blog theme emerging.
And we are both showing photos of visits with/at relatives ;-) – only my visiting my in-laws was a short one: one afternoon, fifteen minutes by car away.
Wonderful. You provided a real laugh this morning. The photo and quote pairing is perfect. The barge even has a funny name.
Thank you!
I am still imagining Frank Sinatra standing on the deck, waiting for the lock gate to open, singing …
This is a double hull tanker, btw.
Carrying oil products are best done in a double hulled tanker. Wonder if the owners are fans of Frank Sinatra. That song occurred to me as well.
That’s only half of the barge’s name. The first half is Get Out OF ;-}
The whole post is too perfect to comment on. Wonderful.
Yes, like I have said to Markus: don’t mess with Bavarian double hull tankers!
Thank you very much!
@ all:
Yes, this was fun. I wasn’t sure at first if there would be a word play involved, since I only knew the German word “Barge” and I wondered …
Greman “Barge” is the same as English “barge”.
However there is no German verb “to barge” … so .. in the end I was a little bit proud of having “the feeling” for word plays etc. in a foreign language, I must admit.
Thank you all for your comments!