The sign of man and child is like a Rorschach Test, How does the viewer see the relationship between the man and the little girl? I would like to think that he is a loving parent protecting her from the hazards of traffic. Others might see their relationship as less healthy. Perhaps this is a sign warning parents that this is a village of child molesters?
That’s exactly the problem with this sign at present: It officially designates a boardwalk for pedestrians, and it was seen as progress that not only women/mothers accompagny kids but also men/fathers. But with all this press buzz about child abuse (which is statistically similar to the decades before), one immediately associates the dark but rare possibilities of men dragging kids, especially girls, by the arm.
Thank you Markus for explaining (translating) some part of my German comment.
I tried to take the photo from a point of view that places the pair in line with the “path” (it’s a moraine) up the mountain in the background. Like the man is going to take the girl far far away.
I think one point that is strange is that the man is wearing a hat. Everything is so 50’s. One reason this photo has to be in b/w, too.
Schlimme Zeiten, wenn an und für sich ganz normale Dinge zuerst den Anschein von “etwas Schlimmen” erwecken.
Zuerst dachte ich sogar das Gegenteil noch:
“Oh, das ist gut, mal nicht die stereotypische Frau!”
… aber die Darstellung ist zu … aggressiv?
Es sieht aus, als würde das kleine Mädchen am Arm gezerrt. Ich denke, das ist der Knackpunkt. Das, was mich so stört.
Jedes mal, wenn ich das Foto ansehe, denke ich an Dürrenmatt und Rühmann und Fröbe.
… gezerrt – richtig, aber das ist ja das realistische daran! Vermutlich alle Eltern dieser Welt könnten sich da reinfühlen ;)
The sign of man and child is like a Rorschach Test, How does the viewer see the relationship between the man and the little girl? I would like to think that he is a loving parent protecting her from the hazards of traffic. Others might see their relationship as less healthy. Perhaps this is a sign warning parents that this is a village of child molesters?
That’s exactly the problem with this sign at present: It officially designates a boardwalk for pedestrians, and it was seen as progress that not only women/mothers accompagny kids but also men/fathers. But with all this press buzz about child abuse (which is statistically similar to the decades before), one immediately associates the dark but rare possibilities of men dragging kids, especially girls, by the arm.
Thank you Markus for explaining (translating) some part of my German comment.
I tried to take the photo from a point of view that places the pair in line with the “path” (it’s a moraine) up the mountain in the background. Like the man is going to take the girl far far away.
I think one point that is strange is that the man is wearing a hat. Everything is so 50’s. One reason this photo has to be in b/w, too.
The movie I was alluding to is, the version from 1958.