Yes, the mirrors are a nice addition. It’s a small elevator that had been added recently. I Iike how the railing’s bend (? is there a word for this, I can’t even think of a German word) repeats itself twice in the mirrors.
The mirrors are a wonderful counterpoint to the stairs. Like Carl it took me a second to read the direction on the stairs, but the legs and feet made it obvious. Memory? I use to have one, but I’ve forgotten.
I love the illusion here, how the stairs at the right look “impossible” because you can read them as ascending instead of descending. Escher-esque.
:-) – that’s why I chose the photo with the boyfriend’s legs showing. The one without him was more confusing but also more … boring. Somehow.
The mirrors threw me off visually along with the shadows. Hitchcock-esque also.
Yes, the mirrors are a nice addition. It’s a small elevator that had been added recently. I Iike how the railing’s bend (? is there a word for this, I can’t even think of a German word) repeats itself twice in the mirrors.
The mirrors are a wonderful counterpoint to the stairs. Like Carl it took me a second to read the direction on the stairs, but the legs and feet made it obvious. Memory? I use to have one, but I’ve forgotten.
About the legs and the mirrows, see my replies above please.
I first looked at the photo without the legs and I made an honest effort to remember what goes up and what goes down ;-) – to no avail.