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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Every tomorrow ought not to resemble every yesterday.
It is no good anticipating regrets.
A life has to move or it stagnates.
He talks. He is never significantly silent.
But the tactics vary.
There is no mystery about the things you see yourself.
Rest for a moment; take your time.
Things had passed, new things had come.
No one ever learned why.
It may be that there is nothing.
It will tell you where you ought to be going and the rest is up to you.
I think I am going to leave all this and learn to fly.
So don’t ask questions.
You can imagine the rest.
It was a preoccupied silence that no one attempted to disturb.
He walks along, scuffing the ground.
That is ordinary; it can be seen anywhere.
They stare, but I think they see nothing.
And then it’s over. Then it’s silent, as if somebody closed the door on Babel.
There’s not a prettier one in the field — nor one more thoughtful.
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