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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
I well understand that, without you, I could have no hope.
I look to the pleasure of seeing you again in the morning.
I always am sound; am I not?
Feelings! I have no time for them, no chance of them.
You can do whatever you want with it.
“It must be, it must be,” he repeated with conviction, joy, and fear.
Il ne sourit pas tout d’abord.
C’est visible, il est intimidé.
Je trouve qu’elle me va bien.
She is without ego, but she can afford vanity.
Will it have the anger to feed and to grow and to demand its needs?
Will it breathe when it is meant to breathe?
There is only time for patience and care.
Qui est ce godelureau ?
Lui en vouloir de ce bonheur !
Tu as des drôles d’idées.
Ne vous compliquez pas la vie !
C’est une très bonne idée.
On peut être aussi attaché à des futilités qu’à autre chose.
Il n’était même pas ridicule.
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