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the scrappress
Through the years to come, she’d remember these days of calm.
It was about to say something if she only watched hard enough.
It was so beautiful, it wanted to speak to her.
Night came, day came, night came.
Fine, he said. Ain’t going to chase you all day.
Bet you’re hungry.
I know you’re here.
Come on out, he shouted.
Be quiet, the whisper said.
There could’ve been snakes there.
I miss the dog.
It was twilight when they got back.
They won’t bother us if we’re together.
The morning was painfully clear.
Or maybe there was nothing.
You always had to guess.
Stay here, be good.
The wind spoke through the cracks in the window frames.
But most days she stared out the window all sad.
The storm came and erased the quiet.
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