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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Something has changed in the air.
I wasn’t thinking.
The next day was nothing, nothing at all
A gray day without promise or beauty
The happiness of being alone
Does it make you claustrophobic?
I know how to play
This makes sense
It just sounds right
It felt like I imagined it would
I’m really glad to be here
It’s as true now as it was almost a century ago
Do you know why you are here today?
It isn’t always simple
I know you’ve told this story a dozen times
Can you just come look at something?
Its ancientness inscrutable and daunting and moving
I had to figure out how I got to this point – and why I was here
It’s how we grow. Art’s a means to measure that growth
There was where we found ourselves when the mists cleared and so there’s where we stay
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