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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Cows make friends for life.
Blissful isolation.
It became their own secret spot where they spent whatever time they needed.
We would find her in all sorts of unusual places eating hay.
We cannot eat grass.
Appropriate food is the beginning and ending of health.
There is no getting away from it.
There was no escape route and I was frightened.
She knew whom she could trust.
Her prowess and enthusiasm inspired all around her.
We all have our particular preferences.
The performance is repeated day after day.
I shall be on the lookout from now on.
She made no attempt to go forwards or backwards.
She did not move for the next six weeks.
She just did not move.
She did not look at all distressed.
One prerequisite for greatness, perhaps, is suffering.
… but many of the happenings, inevitably, go unnoticed.
Something happens here every day …
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