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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
It was the dark and dirty corner of a small winding street.
I well understand that, without you, I could have no hope.
Do you seek any promise from me?
Do you seek any guidance from me?
I look to the pleasure of seeing you again in the morning.
Shall we terminate our conference for the night?
The summer light struck into the corner brilliantly in the earlier part of the day.
Remember? No, I don’t remember. It was so very long ago.
You confuse me, and how can I transact business if I am confused?
It is very difficult to begin.
He understood that there had been a Revolution.
The years there were marked by drought or great rain, vintage, weather, harvest, rather than by the events of history.
Il ne sourit pas tout d’abord.
C’est visible, il est intimidé.
Tout est là et rien n’est encore joué.
He did not try to hear the answer.
It may be that there is nothing.
That is ordinary; it can be seen anywhere.
They stare, but I think they see nothing.
It is only that I have the power to make truths of my beliefs.
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