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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
He closed the lattice again with a fluttering heart.
All these trivial incidents belonged to the routine of life, and the return of morning.
The carriage dashed through streets and swept round corners.
Why do you write in the public streets?
You can do whatever you want with it.
So you’re looking for something else now?
So you think we can improve?
La mer, l’immensité qui se regroupe, s’éloigne, revient.
He listened for the women’s voices in the room overhead.
I recognize a familiar scene.
But of course I could not close my eyes, nor my mind, nor my memory.
All the characters in my dreams have quiet voices.
I think, I ponder, I recall a hundred things.
There is no time for mystery.
The world had changed without any reason that I could see.
And I was disappointed.
C’est une idée de génie.
Je vous ai fait très mal ?
Toujours aussi rosse.
Je ne mets pas de nom à ces souvenirs.
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