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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
We have borne this a long time.
I have seen them. We may go.
Very interesting remembrances!
You have no right to ask more of me.
C’est fini, je ne me souviens plus.
Gone Fishin’
C’est ma volonté.
Takes a lot of work to hold the world together.
No one ever learned why.
Quand on est ivre, on dit la vérité et personne ne vous croit.
C’est une question de psychologie.
Il y a la tendresse constante, la douceur, le manque…
Sentiments qui lui venaient d’autant plus facilement qu’il les voulait, les savait provisoires.
What’s happened to you?
You mustn’t ask questions when you were a guest in someone else’s house.
It was like a dance, a crazy kind of dance.
You’re drunk now.
Have you ever been in love?
Saturday? Here? Is that all right?
He felt a curious kind of anger.
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