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the scrappress
Just come and visit me.
When nobody was around they had had many things to laugh about together.
She was good-looking — not in a striking way, but she had a classic look.
I’m sure you’re not the only one who feels that way.
Something was wrong with it, I thought.
You didn’t believe me, did you?
They nodded back convincingly.
They were each other’s hostage.
Do not act like a drunken mouse.
That’s not a question I can answer.
They had to put up with her for only one more hour.
He did not have the talent to be anyone other than himself.
The thief was out of sight.
These things take time.
There are a few other people like me out there.
Perhaps there was hope still.
They thought I was the nanny.
Dots and squiggly lines, he said.
There was not much to say to this
Time seemed to be stranded
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