“After a while you learn that everything stops” – Lunar Park by Bret Easton Ellis
6 thoughts on “After a while you learn that everything stops”
Great curve and reflections. This is another of your photos that should be printed and put into a gallery. At first I assumed this was a road, but then thought it might be a frozen stream, not that it matters what it is. Beautiful.
It’s a road :-) – and a puddle that is reflecting the sky. But I liked the idea of a river, too, therefore I took the photo.
Yes, with a little tweaking – like most of the time I didn’t do anything to the photo besides the simple “Convert to grayscale” with IrfanView – it could do with a little bit less of contrast and a little bit more of lightness on the grass I guess. And in the upper left corner where there is an army of saplings.
Or not. Sigh.
But what I learnt the last months: b/w printing is one of the most difficult tasks. And arts.
Good suggestion from TFG—you were experimenting with printing a few months back, are you still at it? This low-key picture will be quite a challenge to print, but it should really glow when you figure out how to nail it.
Oh yes.
I even bought a nice cardboard box for my misprints.
No need to buy a box for my ready to sign prints.
Like I said a minute ago: b/w printing is not easy. In fact it is even more difficult than I ever would have been thinking. (Right now I am also wondering if I am inventing new English tenses and moods … ).
But hey, I needed some input and some reason and some inspiration and some self assigned project. I’ll try with this one and snail-mail it. Some day.
nach einer weile betrachten des bildes finde ich dieses immer schöner … aus den wolken fällt der regen der sich nun im strassengraben sammelt und wiederum den blick freigibt woher er kommt … ein wunderbares s&w-bild!
Ich werde mal versuchen, es zu drucken. Ich weiß jetzt schon, dass ich nach dem zehnten Versuch erstmal aufgebe ;-).
Aber wenn das jemals was wird, schicke ich Dir gerne einen …
Great curve and reflections. This is another of your photos that should be printed and put into a gallery. At first I assumed this was a road, but then thought it might be a frozen stream, not that it matters what it is. Beautiful.
It’s a road :-) – and a puddle that is reflecting the sky. But I liked the idea of a river, too, therefore I took the photo.
Yes, with a little tweaking – like most of the time I didn’t do anything to the photo besides the simple “Convert to grayscale” with IrfanView – it could do with a little bit less of contrast and a little bit more of lightness on the grass I guess. And in the upper left corner where there is an army of saplings.
Or not. Sigh.
But what I learnt the last months: b/w printing is one of the most difficult tasks. And arts.
Good suggestion from TFG—you were experimenting with printing a few months back, are you still at it? This low-key picture will be quite a challenge to print, but it should really glow when you figure out how to nail it.
Oh yes.
I even bought a nice cardboard box for my misprints.
No need to buy a box for my ready to sign prints.
Like I said a minute ago: b/w printing is not easy. In fact it is even more difficult than I ever would have been thinking. (Right now I am also wondering if I am inventing new English tenses and moods … ).
But hey, I needed some input and some reason and some inspiration and some self assigned project. I’ll try with this one and snail-mail it. Some day.
Thank you very much.
nach einer weile betrachten des bildes finde ich dieses immer schöner … aus den wolken fällt der regen der sich nun im strassengraben sammelt und wiederum den blick freigibt woher er kommt … ein wunderbares s&w-bild!
Lieber Walter, danke schön.
Ich werde mal versuchen, es zu drucken. Ich weiß jetzt schon, dass ich nach dem zehnten Versuch erstmal aufgebe ;-).
Aber wenn das jemals was wird, schicke ich Dir gerne einen …