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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
The world sounded like such a strange place.
Dear history, dear life. Hadn’t I been glad enough?
Can you understand me?
What now?
Maybe I wasn’t really talking; maybe I was only listening
We set off down the culvert under a sky of silvery stars
A small boat waited for us there
I wondered what the danger was
We left all at once, at night
It was plain that something had changed
I could never really understand why it haunted me
I knew exactly what was next
A whole year of history
A whole year of people’s lives
I could hear a rustling sound just around the corner
The beast hugged me to its breast
I knew exactly what to do, and I wasn’t afraid
There were all sorts of things I had forgotten
I jumped up and started looking around
But the beast was gone
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