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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Ah! But it’s not my business.
Ce que je veux c’est ça, écrire.
It took her a long time to answer.
I don’t want to read today.
I’m not one to judge.
It did not puzzle me too much.
This, he continued to say, this of all places is no place for us!
The sky was as clear as a window one morning.
Who doesn’t look upward when searching for a name?
There must have been other things to say.
Ne me jetez pas ainsi ma jeunesse à la tête.
C’est le privilège de la jeunesse.
Vous êtes incroyable.
Cela n’a pas grand sens.
Il n’était même pas ridicule.
It was going to take a long time to get out.
He is proving all kinds of things to himself.
It was out of the question to say any of those things.
That isn’t enough evidence for a complaint.
She started choosing her words carefully.
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