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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
He’s waited this long, might as well wait some more
A distant call
He is not really listening, is he?
Calm yourself. Stop trembling. Listen.
He wants to hear with both ears
They take over the neighborhood
Tell me about the voice in the night
What if his name was called?
He’ll wait for it minute by minute
He doesn’t like to miss things
Don’t waste your time
Lately he hasn’t been sleeping well
You can’t get out of it
Something has startled him awake
We like such details, but they do not matter
Something’s not right
His eyes are pounding, he feels a scream rising in his chest
When you have that feeling, everything’s full of life, every leaf, every pebble
You see them when they’re leading up to something
These are good things to look at, but sometimes you don’t see them
All week long he’s looked forward to this day
You try not to remind anybody you’re there
From the beginning we were prepared …
… we knew just what to do