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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
It may be too late, I don’t know, but let it not be a minute later!
Very interesting remembrances!
He opened his mouth as wide as he could, and shut it with a sounding snap of his teeth.
Do you seek any guidance from me?
The show being over, the flutter in the air became quite a little storm.
What a night it has been!
Why do you write in the public streets?
He understood that there had been a Revolution.
The magic of names still held minds enchanted.
Je n’ai jamais écrit, croyant le faire, je n’ai jamais aimé, croyant aimer.
De temps en temps, par rafales légères, des bruits de voix.
His patience was that of pride.
I don’t want to read today.
I’m not one to judge.
I tried to write that tale down once, and found I could remember only fragments.
It did not puzzle me too much.
He was outside, out in the cold, insignificant. He could not do anything.
He listened for the women’s voices in the room overhead.
It has all happened a hundred times in my mind.
The voice had a few other things to say.
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