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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
I don’t know what to do with the rest of my life
There should be traffic lights
I cannot relax any muscle anywhere in my body
He couldn’t remember surfacing
We have to go
As he drove off he waited for something to be said, but nothing was said
Do you know anyone who drives a vintage car?
Did he actually say vintage?
He had run and left it behind. He had run
He felt like he had never been there before
He never knew what to make of it, then or after
They couldn’t really see anything
When they were gone it would be something that had never happened
Why are you looking in the mirror?
You don’t want to go somewhere new?
He sat in the car outside somewhere or other
They had all the love and kindness and gentleness covered
They were not good talkers, either of them
They had friends; that was how they met
You can love someone too much
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