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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
Well, I don’t know if this is really a good time
Just tell me what you want!
They trudged through the rubble of a ruined city
I’ll be there and back again
Sometimes it was crucial to clear the emotional desk
Guess you’ve seen all of this before
It’s always been serious
What is your life’s work, anyway?
The universe was an unanswered question
Stop thinking your shallow thoughts
Stories were devices for deluding ourselves and others
Why go through all that trouble to make a great story and then give it an ending like that?
You have to be able to tell the story
Yours is not to reason why
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood
But that’s the thing that nobody understands
I became one of those guys you never see
That’s how so many things happen
It didn’t seem as if it was happening but it was happening
It just reminds you of the fragility of everything
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