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I take pictures – I read books – Daily photos – Daily quotes
the scrappress
You are about to find out what it takes, how the world is, how it works, and how it changes
All the little things I didn’t do or did wrong
I may have done some hurtful things
They were still giggling, so proud of themselves
Oh yeah, I feel bad sometimes
But it’s not my fault. It’s not my fault. It’s not
Things got better but I still had to be careful
So it was just us two for a long while
I did the best I could
I knew we were in trouble
I didn’t do it and have no idea how it happened
Then what? What did you mean?
The topic was not new
The plumbing in the mansion was breaking up
I don’t understand anything you’re saying
I know I’m an outsider, but I’m not an enemy
I’ll come back to check on you, okay?
You a pitiful case if ever I see one
They were in eternal if silent conversation
At a loss as to where to go or what to do
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